Managing anxiety about the war in Ukraine

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has been a source of tension and anxiety for many people around the world. The situation has been fraught with political and military complexities, making it difficult to predict the outcome or even the course of events in the near future. For those directly affected by the conflict, including Ukrainians and residents of neighbouring countries, the fear and uncertainty can be overwhelming. But even for those who are far removed from the conflict geographically, the constant stream of news and media coverage can create a sense of unease and helplessness. In this blog, we will explore some strategies for managing anxiety related to the war in Ukraine, including practical steps that can help you feel more in control and at ease.

Practice self care.

It is a good idea to make sure you are looking after yourself, especially if you are feeling anxious or worried. Sleep is crucial to your physical and mental health, and it will help you manage your emotions better. If you're not sleeping well, it can make your anxiety much worse.

Other things to consider are your diet and exercise. Eating well and taking regular exercise will not only give you a break from the news and some respite from your anxious thoughts, but they will also help you cope with your emotions.

You may also want to try relaxation techniques such as mindfulness meditation, breathing exercises like yoga or tai chi, or writing down thoughts on paper instead of letting them swirl around in your head without direction.

Limit your exposure to news.

With news of the war on every media channel, it may be a good idea to limit your exposure to news about anxiety. This may help you feel less overwhelmed, inundated and hopeless. Consider limiting the amount of time you spend catching up on key events and limiting the number of sources you use to access information. This could help you feel lore in control, while still staying up to date on what’s going on.

Take action and get involved in local/national projects.

You may be feeling so removed from the conflict that there is nothing you can do to help the situation, which can leave you feeling powerless. However, there are a few things you may wat to try that could help reduce your feelings of anxiety.

By volunteering with a local or national charity that helps with the victims of the war may help you feel that you are taking action in supporting the people involved. This could help reduce your feelings of anxiety. I may also put you in contact with people like you, who are concerned about what is going on and want to help. Talking about your feelings with those people may also help you manage your anxiety and feel less alone.

Speak to someone.

It's important to speak to someone. Even if you don't feel like talking, it's worth making an effort. You may also find that talking helps you feel less alone and less anxious as well as more understood by others.

If possible, talk with a friend or family member who is supportive of you and understands your situation - but if there isn't anyone like this available right now then consider speaking with a professional counsellor or therapist who can help guide through these difficult feelings.

There is no doubt that the war in Ukraine is a terrible tragedy. It's hard to imagine what it must be like for those who have lost loved ones or their homes and livelihoods in this conflict. However, this doesn't mean that you have to feel helpless in the face of such suffering - there are many things you can do to help others who are affected by this conflict, whether locally or internationally.

If you are suffering with Anxiety about the war in Ukraine or anything else, and you would like help finding a way through your difficulties, please get in touch with Hope and Harmony to see how counselling can help you.