Anticipatory Grief: Coping with the Impending Loss of a Loved One
As a counsellor working with people online and from my practice in West London, I have seen how anticipatory grief can be a particularly challenging and complex experience. Anticipatory grief is the emotional pain and sense of loss that we feel when we know that a loved one is facing a terminal illness or other […]
Losing a Pet: Grieving Your Faithful Companion
The relationship between humans and pets is a unique and powerful one. Our pets are often our constant companions, offering a sense of comfort, security, and non-judgmental acceptance that can be hard to find elsewhere. They are there for us through life's ups and downs, providing a source of stability and joy in even the […]
The Many Faces of Loss: Understanding and Validating Your Grief
As a counsellor working with people online and from my practice in West London, I have seen firsthand the huge impact that loss can have on an individual's life. When we think of loss, our minds often jump to the most severe form – the death of a loved one. However, it's important to recognise […]
Conflict Resolution: Strengthening Relationships Through Dialogue
Working with people online and from my practice in West London, I have seen how conflicts, both big and small, can strain the fabric of our relationships. Whether it's a disagreement with a spouse, a misunderstanding with a colleague, or a falling out with a friend, conflicts are an inevitable part of the human experience. […]