Whatever might be troubling you, I offer a safe and confidential place where you can talk freely and explore things with me; I am not here to judge you. You’ll feel listened to, for your story to be heard and in your own words – giving you the space to just be you.

Therapies I offer

The three main theoretical models that underpin my practice are Person-Centred, CBT and Psychodynamic. Yet, as an integrative therapist, I draw on a range of therapy models to better support your unique and individual needs, including:

• Integrative therapy

• Person-centred therapy

• Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

• Psychodynamic therapy

• Mindfulness

• Solution focused brief therapy

• Walk and Talk Therapy

To find out more about these, please click here.

An Integrative Approach

As an integrative therapist, I draw on a range of therapy models to better support your unique and individual needs. I use a gentle and compassionate style as we journey together to find what will best support you, including helping you make more sense of things and exploring resources that can aid you with better managing your thoughts, feelings and emotions.

What you might expect

Whether it’s something that’s more recently been affecting you or something you might have been carrying for a long-time, you’ll have a space to gather your thoughts, express your feelings and try to understand your emotions. Each session will be client-led as we journey together in discovering your own answers. This acknowledges and builds your own abilities rather than seeing the therapist as the expert.

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Also, as we work together, we’ll explore what will best to support your needs and therapy goals. You’ll have a space to gather your thoughts, express your feelings and try to understand your emotions. For your story to be heard and in your own words – giving you the space to just be you. So, if you need to talk and for someone to just listen – I’m here for you.

Also, at the heart of how I work, is a Person-centred approach. Then, I explore complementing and integrating therapies that may support you throughout and these too will have the essence of a Person-centred experience throughout; empathy, compassion, acceptance, genuineness, patience, caring, trust, respect, and understanding.

Taking the next step

Why not drop me a text or email with a day and time that is convenient for you, and I will telephone you back for an initial free and informal chat?

This will be around 15 minutes where we can explore your needs and how I can offer you support.

You are never under any pressure or obligations and are always free to decide what might work best, including taking your time to decide whether or not you’d like us to continue together.

Your first session

During the first session, a little extra time is needed to cover information that will help us to establish how we’ll work together. Therefore, the first session will last about 75 minutes. We’ll gently talk through your situation, or whatever might be on your mind, and try to figure out a way forward that sounds right for you. You’ll also have time to ask any questions you might have, ease into the experience and decide on what you’d like to do next.

Please note, after your first session, following sessions are normally 50 minutes.

Issues I Work With


This can leave you feeling constantly worried and overwhelmed by persistent patterns of thinking or in certain situations. If you’re feeling frustrated, overwhelmed or trapped by your anxiety, then we can work through this together. By exploring the triggers and where these feelings may have come from, can we begin to move forward positively. I work with different forms of anxiety including generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), phobias, panic attacks, social anxiety, health anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).


Do you feel like your depression will never improve, that your situation is hopeless and there is no way forward? I can help you see that moving past these challenging emotions is possible. My focus is on creating the right environment for us to engage with the negative thought patterns that contribute to your depression, gradually replacing these negative thoughts with self-compassion, self-acceptance and a more positive outlook.

Grief and Loss

Many life issues can also have a sense of grief and loss running through them. This might include a person/pet (bereavement or an unknown disappearence), the loss of a relationship/marriage, a job, or your home and belongings. You might have (or be losing) your health and independence in some way. The loss of a missed opportunity in life, losing a relationship with friends/family, or a sense of a lost childhood. The loss of one's faith, identity, and meaning in life. Throughout all of these, there might be an emotional grieving process. I can help you to process your feelings, gain new insights and finding your own strength to go forward.


This can be one of the toughest experiences someone may face. When someone dies, all sorts of conflicting and overwhelming thoughts, feelings, emotions and memories may surface. Equally, you might become numb and feel very little. Yet this too may present a confusing experience as the struggles might be hidden outside of your awareness.

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Bereavement can come from terminal illness, old age and childhood, suicide, abortion & miscarriage (affecting both partners), homicide and accidents and even our pets.

There are different forms of grief that might shape how you experience grief such as chronic, delayed and traumatic grief. Understanding these differences can help you move through the grieving process.

Allowing yourself the time and space to talk things through with someone can support you along this journey.

Suicidal thoughts

This can be a sign of how low and overwhelmed you’re feeling and even a frightening experience. This can leave you feeling ashamed and unable to express how you’re feeling for fear of being judged. You may feel alone, isolated and struggling to cope; not knowing who to turn to for help. Perhaps you just want someone to listen, understand and respect the way you’re feeling without feeling judged or wronged. Well, you don’t have to feel alone! As we work together, we can gently explore what’s going on for you, expand your choices and explore your reasons for life.


This can be a deep part of one’s identity, bring meaning and purpose to life through a sense of belonging and connection. This might come from a religion, philosophy or a belief in there being a greater purpose to life and existence. Although religions may involve spiritual and mystical teachings, spirituality basically involves the core beliefs you value and might revere in life.

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As such, spirituality is often an individual experience and might look differently to people from different cultural backgrounds and around the world. And while spirituality can be a source of hope and inspiration, it may also leave you feeling conflicted and doubtful.

What's more, a traumatic or life changing event may throw you into an existential crisis and causing you to search for a deeper meaning or purpose to life; how could this happen? What is life for? Why am I here/existence? What happens when we die? This can feel scary and lonely, even angry, lost and ashamed.

Should you want to explore your spirituality, being able to explore different ideas and beliefs without judgement can be hugely rewarding as you allow yourself to develop that part of yourself.

I also have experience working with a broad range of issues, including:

  • Abuse (domestic, physical, emotional, sexual)
  • Addiction
  • Affairs and betrayals
  • Anger management
  • Anxiety
  • Grief & loss
  • Bereavement (people & pets)
  • Terminal illness
  • Missing persons, and pets
  • Bullying & discimination
  • Cancer
  • HIV
  • Chronic-fatigue syndrome/ME
  • Generalised anxiety disorder
  • Health anxiety
  • Depression
  • Worngly accused of a crime
  • LGBTQ+ counselling
  • Loneliness
  • Low self-confidence
  • Low self-esteem
  • Menopause
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Phobias
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Pregnancy, births, fertility and infertility
  • Racism
  • Relationship problems
  • Substance misuse
  • Eating disorders
  • Survivors of crime
  • Self-harm
  • Stress
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Spirituality
  • Trauma
  • Separation & divorce
  • Panic attacks
  • Abortion
  • Miscarriage
  • Childless-not-by-choice
  • Neurodiversity (Asperger’s, autism, dyslexia)
  • Panic attacks
  • Disabilities
  • Family issues

Please contact me if you want to discuss any difficulty that you are facing that isn’t listed above.