Delayed Grief: When Loss Catches Up with You
As a counsellor working with people online and from my practice in West London, I've encountered many individuals who experience what we call "delayed grief." This phenomenon often surprises those who go through it, leaving them wondering why they're suddenly overwhelmed by emotions long after a loss occurred. In this blog post, we'll explore what […]
The Ripple Effects of Grief: Understanding Secondary Challenges
As a counsellor working with people online and from my practice in West London, I've observed that grief often extends far beyond the initial pain of loss. While we often focus on the immediate emotional impact of losing someone or something dear to us, grief can trigger a cascade of secondary challenges that may catch […]
Anticipatory Grief: Coping with the Impending Loss of a Loved One
As a counsellor working with people online and from my practice in West London, I have seen how anticipatory grief can be a particularly challenging and complex experience. Anticipatory grief is the emotional pain and sense of loss that we feel when we know that a loved one is facing a terminal illness or other […]
Losing a Pet: Grieving Your Faithful Companion
The relationship between humans and pets is a unique and powerful one. Our pets are often our constant companions, offering a sense of comfort, security, and non-judgmental acceptance that can be hard to find elsewhere. They are there for us through life's ups and downs, providing a source of stability and joy in even the […]